Practical book

The first Taiwanese dish

Written Nanako Hoshino

The local taste of Taiwan can be reproduced at home!

The author of "Taiwan Rubber", which was fascinated by Taiwanese food when he was a company employee and has visited Taiwan more than 50 times, introduced Taiwan Meshi & Sweets recipes that can be reproduced at home in Japan.
A full-fledged taste that can be satisfied by those who say, "I ate while traveling, once again that taste!"

Rome Meat Rice, Kakuni Ice Burger, Water dumplings, grilled stick dumplings, small basket wrapping, meat buns, anman, sunratan, jar Jean noodles, dandan noodles, grilled rice noodles, drooled chicken, radish rice cake, fried air core, malnut, pineapple cake, tapioca milk tea, etc.…

*With vinyl cover

  • Version type:
    B5 transformation
  • Page:
    Page 112
  • Body:
    1,500 yen + tax
  • Published:
  • ISBN: