
And at the end of the road

Writer Katsuki Tanaka

It has been 10 years since the legendary masterpiece "Samichi". Katsuki Tanaka, who has become a legendary position in the sauna world, looks back over the past 10 years and sends out an essay by the original sauna Doshin.
Samichi proposed how to enjoy the sauna in the early days when the sauna was not understood by the public as a hobby. Young people and women immersed themselves in the sauna, and as a result of the spread of Sado in various fields such as manga, dramas, magazines, and various sauna events, they grew up into an unprecedented sauna boom.
This book captures the past and future of the sauna from the experience and perspective of the sauna ambassador. It is also the ultimate sauna book that digs into lifestyle proposals centered on sauna as an artist.


  • Version type:
    B6 size
  • Page:
    Page 232
  • Body:
    1,400 yen + tax
  • Published:
  • ISBN: