Slowly fermentation campagne

Written Masako Takahashi

The previous work, "Slowly fermented bread with a little East", which received a great response, has finally become a series!
This time, we will thoroughly study the Campagne. From basic edition to intermediate and advanced editions with different watering.
There are plenty of contents such as recommended powder, filling, and various shapes of campagne.
In addition, we will introduce sandwich ingredients that are perfect for campagne and arrangement campagne with different dough base.

The amount of yeast used is one-fifth of the past. The dough is matured by fermenting for a long time.
It becomes a moist and flavorful bread. It's a nice point to have a better life.



  • Version type:
    B5 size variant horizontal
  • Page:
    Page 96
  • Body:
    1,500 yen + tax
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