
Musical "Stammu"
Official visual storybook

Supervised Musical "Stammu" Production Committee

A memorial book that spells all performances of the musical "Stamu" held in Tokyo and Osaka from April 2017 to July 2018 with photos, dialogues, and lyrics. A luxurious book with more than 200 pages with all-color full volume and full volume, which contains a moment of excitement.

[Recording Performance]
☆First Season (April 2017)
☆Team Hiiragi's solo review performance "Caribbean Groove" (April 2018)
☆Second Season (July 2018)


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▶︎ Click here to purchase Tower Record Online

▶Click here to purchase HMV&BOOKS online.

▶︎ Yodobashi. Click here for purchase at com.

  • Version type:
    B5 size
  • Page:
    Page 208
  • Body:
    3,500 yen + tax
  • Published:
  • ISBN: