Practical book

Gama Wakasugi's Food Consultation Room

Written Tomoko Wakasugi

When I changed my food with my grandmother's advice, it was really healed!
Actual experience comics & symptom, diet and treatment method

In this book, an example of "physical and mental disorders" sent to Gama Wakasugi are comics.
I will explain the diet and treatment method for each symptom in an easy-to-understand manner.
Atopic, hay fever, poor circulation, constipation, forty shoulders, back pain, poor concentration, menopause, menstrual pain, etc.
Most physical and mental disorders can be improved by reviewing "dietary habits."
This book is packed with wisdom and tips for living healthy.

  • Version type:
    A5 size
  • Page:
    240 pages
  • Body:
    1,400 yen + tax
  • Release date:
  • ISBN: