
He is alive even if he died
~ To you who have lost somebody~

Writer Hiroya Yamakawa Akiko Yamakawa

The loss of a close presence. It can cause a great deal of damage to the mind of the left, whether it is urgent or ready.
Parents who have traveled without filial piety, partners who have been with them for many years, loving children, dogs and cats that have been loved like families……There are various subjects, but I'll concentrate on blame myself for what I should have done, and sometimes even forget to live positively.
What do people are born, meet, parting, and die?
What is the message to those left behind?
A book that digs deeply into the meaning of "losting someone important" that everyone experiences.

"The body is destroyed, but no man will die," says Hiroya.
"If you go there, everyone is safe and peaceful. The man who is left will never have a sense of guilty," said Akiko.
"Everything happens is for human growth. Death can be said to be a kind of teacher."
"With someone's death, we can know that there is another world and that there is God," (Akiko).

When he took this book by himself, or when he was presented by a person;
It can be said that it is the moment when the person started walking forward.


  • Shaping
    Forty-six format
  • ISBN
  • Issued
    February 28, 2024
  • Appropriate price
    1,600 yen (excluding tax)
  • Page
    160 pages