Art fashion

Picture book bank CD

Wust Jilberty
Translation Toshihide Kurihara
Supervised Kutsuko Suzuki

The picture book "Banksy" is a popular picture book by Italian artist Faust Zilbertti, which can be enjoyed by children and adults. The world's first picture book depicting Banksy, an unidentified artist, has been translated around the world and continues to give people an opportunity to think about various problems.
If you are asked about Banksy's identity, "Are you doing it?", Let's take a look inside Banksy's head. Throughout the world of picture books, you may find the answer. The Japanese handwritten characters are drawn by Reiko Tada. Read, see, and tasteful book.



  • Shaping
    207 x 205mm above
  • ISBN
  • Issued
    February 20, 2024
  • Appropriate price
    1,600 yen (excluding tax)
  • Page
    40 pages