
"Ukon plus 4 people."
Ukon Onoue Artist Interview Collection Specialized Version

Ukon Onoue

This is a box of gems that combine Japanese accessories by a long-established specialty store with a new outfit of the book "Ukon vs. 8 People".
Ukon Onoue and a set of original collaboration products of artists who appear in the book "Ukon vs. 8 Onoue Ukon Art Artist Dialogue Collection" will be put in a box decorated with the poster visual of "Ken no Kai" designed by Tadanori Yokoo.
All are custom-made products from long-established specialty stores.

▶Click here for more information on "Ukon vs. 8 people".

■Participating artists
Tadanori Yokoo
Noritaka Tatehana
Erii (Chim↑Pom from Smappa! Group)
Mr. Taisuke Nakano

■Covered contents
・Bunko/Tadanori Yokoo x Nihonbashi Haibara 
・Hand towel / Onoue Ukon x Dyeing picture towel Fujiya
・Smell bag "Hana Kuruma" / Noritaka Tatehana x incense long-established Shoei-do
・Edo Folding fan / Noritaka Tatehana x Asakusa Bunsendo
・One-stroke letter / Erii (Chim↑Pom from Smappa! Group) x Nihonbashi Haibara
・Ukon Onoue comment DVD/ jacket photo: Mr. Taisuke Nakano
・Book with cover for special edition "Ukon vs. 8 people" / Tadanori Yokoo x Mazda Office


  • Prices
    25,300 yen (10% tax included)
  • Box size: