Practical book

Recipe with plenty of vegetables left to stoub
-Easily take 200g of vegetables per meal! ~

Written Yuka Ohashi
Department of Diabetes and Endocrineurology, University of Yamanashi Hospital)
Nutrition supervision quantum Maeda (administrative dietitian)

Morning, afternoon, night meals, snacks, packed with umami and nutrition packed with umami and nutrients. The menu is a recipe book for "elimination of vegetable shortage" that takes 200g or more vegetables per meal and less than 520kcal per meal. Eating a 200g vegetable menu can be expected to help diet, improve the intestinal environment, prevent aging of skin and cells, and to prevent all kinds of diseases.

■Yuka Ohashi (Ohashi)
A culinary researcher, the owner of the Stub Bistro "Haruhigohan" in Atsugi City, Kanagawa Prefecture. He is active in corporate recipe development, event lecturer, etc. President of Haruhi Rice Online Cooking Class and YouTube "Zbora Cooking Class". Recently, he has been addicted to muscle training, and opened his personal gym "HARUHI BODY+" in May 2023. We are working to make many people aware of the importance of food and exercise.



  • Shape:
  • Page:
    Page 96
  • List price:
    1,600 yen (excluding tax)
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