
A shooting star that intends to be immortal

Written Tahi

"We are the 6th magnitude stars for the night, born to keep this distance."
Poets that swept all over Japan with a new expression called an exhibition of poetry to experience are gathered in one book!

"We are a 6th magnitude star for the night born to protect this distance," held in Fukuoka, Shibuya, Nagoya, Shinsaibashi, and Sendai in 2020-2022. A total of 42 volumes, including newly written and new works.

■Profile Tahi profile
A poet. Received the Chuya Nakahara Award for "Good Morning" in 2008, and received the Contemporary Poetika Tsubaki Award for "The Bokura of Death" in 2015. "The Night Sky is always the highest density blue" was made into a movie by director Yuya Ishii in 2017. In addition, "Lovers glow because they shine," "I was born in Night View," and "I was a rose before." In his co-authored with Asami Kiyokawa, "Hyakunin Isshu", he was noted in the modern translation of Hyakushu, and his essay collection includes "Emotion of Hyakunin Isshu", "The Season of becoming a Star or Beast" and "Everyone who sympathize with teenagers lies." "Dinosaur of Words" in the collection of dialogues and "Here is" in the picture book (picture, Kenji Oikawa).




  • Shape:
    Forty-six format
  • Page:
    96 pages
  • List price:
    1,200 yen + tax
  • Published:
  • ISBN: