
Master! Did you come here?

Written Kazuki Iio

A full-fledged essay that spells out with respect to the "impressing things (= teacher)" that Zun Kazuki Iio encountered in his life!

A collection of essays that Kazuki Iio encountered in his life, such as "people," "things," and "events," that Kazuki Iio encountered in his life that makes him want to be 110 degrees deep. One month from January to December is set up one month, and teachers related to the season appear. There are many interesting teachers who want to be a "teacher"! "The world is full of impressive things (= teachers)!" A book that makes life easier to live

"At a coffee shop as a 'teacher' to admire myself, I wrote it with my bare eyes, so please read it in an easy way, so please read it in an easy posture."


  • Version type:
    Forty-six format
  • Page:
    Page 192
  • List price:
    1,400 yen + tax
  • Published:
  • ISBN: