
Old man

Written Yoko Hiramatsu

"Age Literature" was born here.
29 volumes that wrote only about fried oil.

"Oriage" is made by cutting tofu into thin slices and fried in oil.
Boil, bake, and it's cheap! There's nothing to say. A versatile item that can be used as a side dish or knob for rice.
Yoko Hiramatsu, who shows unusual love for this healthy food unique to Japan, is the first oil fried book. Memories with family, friends' confessions, fried Uchida's fried rice, Matsuyama, Inari in Ito, fried in the Edo period, Minami Kizami udon, Shoken to Oda Sakunosuke. Here is the essence of the overflowing "fried love" and the polarity book full of appetite.
29 essays on fried oil, traveling oil-fried essays, fried talks, and daily dishes (easy recipes), etc. (26 of them are written down).


Regarding the first edition of this document, the following errors were found.
We deeply apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused to our readers and related parties.
■Line 7 p.57
False: great hall Public Relations
Positive: Back of great hall
■Line 11 p.94
False: "The shattered angel,"
Positive: "The angel of wounded,"
■P92 7 and 10 lines P93 3
False: Toru
Positive: Akira
■Line 3 of P111
False: Reiwa 2 (2110)
Positive: Reiwa 2 (2022)
■P215-216 “Oinari-san” Recipe content
False: ③Add 1 tablespoon of sugar and 1/2 tablespoon of sake and cook.
Positive: ③Add 2 tablespoons of sugar and boil for 6 to 7 minutes, then add 1 tablespoon soy sauce and 1/2 tablespoon of sake and boil.




  • Version type:
    Forty-four-form variant
  • Page:
    240 pages
  • Body:
    1,800 yen + tax
  • Published:
  • ISBN: