Art fashion

Yellow Sun Burning Drop

Written by Jiro Konami

Photographer Jiro Konami's latest collection of works
My father, hometown, New York, and family, showcasing talents from all over the world
A beautiful everyday world that spreads beyond the tranquility in the frame

Jiro Konami, a photographer who has been attracting attention from creators around the world in collaboration with many fashion brands, is full of luxury editions. A culmination of a panoramic view of personal and sensitive works that continue to take most of his career. The story of Hachijojima Island and his father, who was born, and his family, New York, and his family, New York, and his family currently based in New York, and his family, reflects the universal world through stills.



  • Version type:
    A4 size variant
  • Page:
    Page 304
  • Body:
    6,500 yen + tax
  • Published:
  • ISBN: