Practical book

It's time to talk about money for adult girls

Supervisor Sachiko Yoshikawa

What are you doing for money?

Marriage / Housing / Childbirth / Child care / Investment / Hobbies / Insurance / Retirement
Answer 100 money questions for each item!

As a matter of fact, how much do you need?
To live like a person! 100 stories about money
It is a milestone for women to reach the age of 30. Adult responsibility grows stronger, work becomes more and more interesting, and events such as marriage and childbirth events are increasing.
In order to simulate future life, we will explain how to use money from marriage to retirement by presenting specific amounts and figures for each item and explain them in an easy-to-understand manner.

You can see at a glance how much it costs with illustrations and illustrations!
Kanemoto's new standard!!

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  • Version type:
    A5 Modification
  • Page:
    192 pages
  • Body:
    1,300 yen + tax
  • Published:
  • ISBN: