Literature Others

Meiji-jingu Shrine, 365 days a year

Supervised Meiji-jingu Shrine

Daishin is also known as the "Omikuji" of Meiji-jingu Shrine.
One head a day, along with a gentle colloquial translation.
Waka of Emperor Meiji, the enshrined deity of the Meiji-jingu Shrine [Gyosei], more than 93,000 necks and Empress Akinori's waka [Miuta] "365 days of great heart" selected from about 30,000 heads. Let's think about today's head and survive today as much as possible.

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  • Version type:
  • Page:
    400 pages
  • Body:
    1,600 yen + tax
  • Published:
  • ISBN: