Art fashion


Written Katsuhiro Otomo Kosuke Kawamura


A large panorama with a total length of 22.7 meters is gorgeously recorded with bellow specifications!
4 book set, bellow book (with special silver box, appendix: A2 variant size poster)

All of the AKIRA collage works posted on the temporary enclosure wall under rebuilding Shibuya Parco are included in three volumes of "Server Binding" by series.
The fourth book contains photographs by TAKAMURADAISUKE, who recorded this project, and interviews and interviews with Katsuhiro Otomo and Kosuke Kawamura.
The box and the cover design of each book are special specifications designed by Katsuhiro Otomo and Kosuke Kawamura himself.
An unprecedented AKIRA picture scroll that allows you to relive all the posted works with overwhelming power and quality.

4 books (3 books of bellow binding work + 1 top document book)
Appendix: A2 variant (430mm x 607mm) Size poster
Comes with special silver box

Special Silver Box: Vertical 303 × horizontal 177 × height 52 mm (mm)
Vertical length 296 x horizontal 173 × height 13 mm 13 mm (mm) Art length 8.94 meters (front and back)
Vertical 296 x horizontal 173 x height 11.5 (mm) Art length 6.88 meters (front and back)
3: vertical 296 x horizontal 173 × height 11.5 (mm) Art length 6.88 meters (front and back)
Prepared document book: Vertical 296 x width 173 x Height 12.5 (mm)


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  • Version type:
    A4 size variant
  • Page:
    Snapshots + Preparation
  • Body:
    10,000 yen + tax
  • Published:
  • ISBN: