Practical book

Living with Aomori Hiba
Wrapped in a dignified, refreshing scent

Aneko Muraguchi (Cardezac Japon)

Actress Yuriko Ishida also praised and favorite.
All the charms and ways to enjoy "Aomori Hiba"

■After inhaling the scent of Aomori Hiba.
Somehow, that alone makes me happy.
Aomori Hiba is indispensable for my life. _Yuriko Ishida

It has antibacterial, relaxing, insect repellent, deodorant and deodorizing effect
Following mint oil! New ★Versatile item
Full of items that can be used immediately, such as hiba chips and essential oil distilled water!

●What is Aomori Hiba?…
coniferous tree of the family Asunaroaceae.
Along with Kiso cypress and natural Akita cedar, it is counted as one of Japan's three major beautiful forests.
It is very popular for both men and women, characterized by its dignified and refreshing scent.

●Effects and effects…
Relaxing effect, insect repellent, dehumidifying and deodorizing effect.
More and more people are incorporating the scent of Aomori Hiba into their daily lives and use them for mental and physical health.

●Contents of this document…
Aomori Hiba production area, beautiful scenery of Shimokita Peninsula, original baskets and furniture made from Aomori Hiba.
Introduction of various products such as essential oils, explains how to incorporate them into daily life, and how to use them.
We packed the charm of Aomori Hiba in one book.



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  • Version type:
    A5 size
  • Page:
    Page 144
  • Body:
    1,600 yen + tax
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